Monday 20 September 2010


From : SBFF

a p0em fr0m me

We Are Friends

Whether the day is good or bad,
Whether I'm feeling happy or sad,
If I have a need, you’ll comprehend;
You’ll be there to share and be a friend.

Other people may fill my day,
But never in such an important way;
We support each other ‘round all life’s bends,
It feels so good that we are friends

from: Ainur

Friday 16 July 2010

Hello!!! Books is everything... eventhough it's sooooo boring

hi guys.. long time no see right.. you want to know what i'm thinking right now?... 2 words, I'm-LONELY!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this feelings.. help me to get rid of it.... oo yeah.. i forgotting something.. what i wanna write is about books right.. last monday.. (i think.. :P) i had recite a poem about books.. with my clazmate, Farhana.. it's for the launching of bulan membaca.. the poem is like this:

I like books
I really do
Books with story,
and pictures to
Books of animals,
and things that grow
Books of people we should know
Books of amazing things,
and places to
I like books
I really do

I like books
Big books
Little books
Happy books
Sad books
Books of with pictures
Books with words
I like books
I really do..

What! You are sleepy reading this poem right.. Oh man, you are idiot.. just 2 stanza... there is no matter at all.. I'm bored 2.. but books is everything for me.. books is my friend.. only books can cheer me up right know.. and k-pop stars n korean actor that cute!! oo I just finish watching My Fair Lady.. you know that series right, the one that replace The Brilliant Legasy in 8tv.. ok stp talking about korea.. what i wanna say now is Im LONELY.. I hope that the members of sbff still remember me.. one more thing.. Cikgu Shukor will go to SKPB and says tata to SKSI.. you know that right.. CIKGU SHUKOR!! SKSI is crying for YOU!!!!!
Ok.. bye2 I started to cry now..

-Im crying now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 10 July 2010

cadangan berbaloi x?

salam..hehehe sorry ye semua..walaupun saya bkn ahli sbff..tapi saya nk bagitahu sesuatu cadangan..

-apa kata kita ubah suai blog ni?
-apa kata kita buat group SBFF dkt FACEBOOK?

amacam?okey x? sng korang berhubung..HEHEHE sy beri cadangan je..arap persahabatan korang kekal hingga di akhir hayat..

salam dari :
farrah xD [kacau daun!]

Thursday 8 July 2010

  1. jgn luper jga aty kwan anda yek
  2. kkalkan persahabatan yg tlah terjlin
  3. doakan kesejahteraan rakan anda
  4. jgn bergaduh!!!!
  5. slalulah sling mghbungi

- from aqilah

Sunday 27 June 2010

prez,FOOTbALL FEvER !!!!

huhuhu...hi guys.. ni Fadhlin.... lme gler x post bulletin bru....cdih la jugak.. sbb da 1 thn blog ni broprasi...cket jer org jd followers.... blog ni cam x idop je an... plez la update blog nieh... ainur,adlin....amirah pon sme... tpi ape pon skang ni an football feever.. ape kate korg cter psl club yg korg ske.. oooyer.. 2 all pnykong brazil !!! go!! truskn mnykong wlupon kaka dh xde.. ingt tau... tnjukkn keloyallan anda.. huhuhu.. prez,toodles... cdih la tk dpt prgi sksi llg..tpi xpe.. smoga sk sg isap sntiasa TOP !!!!

Thursday 20 May 2010

Wasiat Fadhlin yg cute ni plak..

asyik ainur jer update.. ak pon nk gak..

wasiat ak spt brikut :

hrp sume geng kte xkn gadoh2 da... siast dlu bru tuduh tau .. :P

jgn bndgkan skola.. wlaupon cm sy ni..smk bt rangin ngan skola rk jauh beza... we can still fight right.. Yupp.. FIGHTOO!!!! 4 our mid year test.. (doaknlh sy yerk !)

2 jela.... tpi kn, yg ak tulis ni xde kna mngna pon ngan korg.. cume nseht sblm trjdi...

I hope SBFF will stay like this.. not like AKASIA....

REMEMBER that guys!!!!

k la.. toodles.. klu ade problems ke.. contact tau... oh yer.. mirah per citer.. lme gler x jumpa an...

wakaka.. cri la ak dlm gmbr 2..kngn camping tawon ni...

-the smartest one, FadhlIn....

Monday 17 May 2010

WASIAT AINUR........ :p

  • sy brharap grup kte ny akan kkal selame-lmenye....
  • sy berharap ta de pergaduhan antare grup kte ny..
  • ssiape yg saling brgad0h tu cpt2 la brbaek.......
  • ingat la mkne nme "SBFF" tu........
  • n lastly,,walaup0n kte da dd0k jauh2 skunk ny..kte still lg BFF!!!!!!!



Monday 10 May 2010

Rindu gler larh kat korang , terutame mirah ngan nik !! lame ta jmpe...

Tuesday 4 May 2010


jumaat cane??? jd ta???

nnty kte plan yew....
bubye!!! saranghae!!!
fr0m: ainur... :p

Thursday 29 April 2010


nnti check message at facebook k0rg ey......
check taw!!!!!!

RiNdU At K0rg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fr0m: aiNUr.... :p

Friday 9 April 2010

wea!! check out video 'KEMBARA CHEERLEADING' kat you tube,,

video tuh dari bebudak smart(smk abdul rahman talib),,

ade budak chinese hensem,,

Saturday 3 April 2010

Detik UPSR

hai.. my name is 13 now.. actually, i created this poem last year... but i didnt tell everyone about it... now i represent it for u... sorry it is in malay language..

Detik hari UPSR,
Semakin menanti tidak pernah jemu,
Tatkala latihan dan peperiksaan datang bertimbun-timbun,
Pena dan kertas menemani diri,
Ketika tahun 6......

Kini.... sebulan telah berlalu,
Sekarang tibalah masa untuk kita berpisah,
Adat manusia yang datang akan pergi,
Meninggalkan semua kenangan di sini,
Selamat tinggal,
SK Sungai Isap....

I'm sorry there are many errors.... i created this to tell u my feelings about UPSR...
And now.. im succeed... for all student that will take UPSR this year..
Do your best, dont hurt your teachers..
Because if u dont do so u will regret it... U will miss everything..
If u have heart... if dont u will not feels anything..

Thats all for today...

-Fadhlin ( im serious k )-

Saturday 27 March 2010

Miss you all

name sy bru first time sy update blog kiteorg ni...
first sy nk mntak maaf sbb da brzmn xde org pon yg update blog ni...
sy nk share cket pglmn sy gi prkhemhn bru2 ni... :
hri first sy excited giler sbb ni bru first time sy pgi prkhmhn kat gng ( gng snyum,jengka )
mlgnya hri 2 sy dmm so, bonusnya sy tidur dngn gru2 sbb sy mmg ank cikgu...
sume org yg gi khemh jeles giler... ok.. esoknya mula aktiviti...
aktiviti yg prtama ialh mneroka gua... subhanallah indahnya ciptaan Allah..
pengalamn yg amt mnrik meneroka 5 buah gua... mnta maaf sbb x smpat nk edit photo...
then, prgi buat aktiviti flying fox... best giler tapi gayat la juga....
sblum 2 kitaorg kna denda sbb sesat dlm gua... malang skali...
bab kna dera mls nk crita
esoknye prtndingn brmula... kawat,ikatan, ikhtiar hidup,dll
smpai sni je la ceritanya

buat ahli2 sbff ni.... klu korg ade crita mnarik kongsi la dkt blog kita ni...
jgn jadikan jarak antra kita mghlg prshbtn..
all the best for your mid year test...
keep in touch....


Tuesday 2 February 2010

hai kwn2...kpd sesiape yg dah tgk blog nie sory eik sbb x update ape-ape pown ag....
sbb kiteorang semua buzy..x de sape nk update
sye nie sebahagian drpd group sbff
name sye hanis..umur sye 13 taon..same ngan umur group sbff jugok
emmm sye skola di Sekolah Menengah Abdul Rahman talib yang lebih dkenali sbgai
dlu kiteorg semua same skolah skrg dah laen2 skolah
tpi skolah kwn2 sye yg laen dkt je[berhadapan ngan SMART]
tau2 je lah...
kalo sape2 yang x tau 2
skola yg berhadapan ngan SMART skola SABS...
skunk nie sye nak cite plak ape maksud sbff.......
sbff nie maksudnye
secret bestfriend forever
group kiteorg nie bleh jugak ar banyak rahsia
cume ahlinye saje tau...
group kiteorg nie dtubuhkan pada taon lepas[x ingat tarikh]
kat skola lame kiteorg
iaitu Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Isap....
dalam group nie terdiri drpd 9 org
aqilah,ainur,amirah,anis fariha,nik amalia,suraya,fadhlin,adlin dan sye sendiri hanis...
aqilah lah leader kiteorg..skunk nie dye skolah kat SABS[dkt ngan skolah sye]
ainur plak asistance aqilah..dye pown skolah SABS jugak
amirah dye skolah same ngan sye[SMART]
nik amalia skunk nie die dok kat asrama[Shah Pekan]
erm suraya skolah kat SABS...
fadhlin die skolah bkt rangin je
adlin plak dye skola kat Tengku Afzan
n anis fariha skolah plg jauh skali...dye skolah kat raub[SBP]
k lah sampai cni saje dlu...
kalo kiteorg rajin kite orang akan slalu update blog nie

Friday 29 January 2010



Too all SBFF members..
lme ta jmpe an?????
qila,mirah,fadhlin n aq plan na wat reunion sesaje...
kalo k0rg na..c0mment ey....
bye..miss k0rg sangat2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LUV U ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!