Tuesday 12 May 2015

Recipe code : *****

Main Ingredient :

6 sophisticated girls .

Ingredients :

3 cups of childish fights .

1 cup of laughters .

1/2 cup of lies and secrets .

One teaspoon of tears .

Topping :

sprinkles of trust .

Mixed them together and there you go, A sweet happy family .

Eat them with your friends . It'll improve the taste .


"Kenapa kau senyum sorang-sorang ?"

"Kenapa tanya ? Tak boleh ?"

"Macam orang gila ."

"Aku tak kisah jadi gila selagi aku ada kau ."

Senyum .

"Serius ni . Kau gila, sahabat ."

Monday 11 May 2015

because of whatsapp


Assalammualaikum sumer!! Hurm... nih msti ade yg dtg sbb wasap kan... mngaku jela... ape2 pon kne btrima ksih kat kaziq ngan keri sbb brjaye mengingatkan blik kami kpd blog nih. Haha, blog yg tlah di abandoned oleh kami smpai dh brhabuk tnpe entri bru. Beriya2 kitorang igt blik knangan2 wktu zman skolah rndah dlu smpai trgolek2 gelak ats ktil. Biler bce entry2 lme, nmpak sgt blog nih dibuat oleh skumpulan knak2 yg taw njoy je dlam hdup. Malu gok posen. Tp skarang nih knak2 nih dh bsar dh blake... bkn jd rmaja, dh jd ank dare dh pon sumer nye hah. Dah reti bsuh pnggan, gsok bju sndiri, kmas blik, kmas umah, msuk dpur msak... see?? Btape mjunye kami skrang... brsyukur gak cuz we manage to keep our friendship till this day. Blog ni klakar aq taw sbb aq rse bnde yg sme. Its a fact and even i cant deny it. But hey, thats what we call memories right? This blog shows how strong our friendship sbb korang pon taw lpas abis skolah sumer brpisah pegi skolah len2. Ainur sabs, mirah smart, nik semsas, qilah sahut, adlin sabs, fad mrsm kuantan... seriously, kami penah gaduh truk giler... n aq pon brani ckp that it was the worst quarell i have ever had with my friends. Aq rse korang pon sdia mklum tntang prgaduhan nih sbb lme giler kot kes nih trjdi. But, bnde ni la yg wat kitorang still have each other in our lifes. So, sper yg dh bce entry nih mntak2la doakan kami supaya dpat stay strong with each other. Mgkin bg korang bnde nih bese2 je n lwak, tp bnde ni la yg mmpu buat kami nngis, glak, mrah biler igt blik. Family comes first but friends come after that right? Ye... tnpa keizinan Dia, mgkin kitorang dh lost kontek dh skrang... brsyukur giler sbb Dia msih izinkan kitorang brsama n harap2 brkekalan la hngga slama2nya. Last but not least, i love u guys n thanks sbb sudi jd kwan aq smpai ary nih... ikhlas nih. 

P/s: sper yg update entri nih cube teka...... n knape ko rse cmtu?
